BoredWiganer:leeds owl:NickyKiss:MadDogg:
Don't mind us facing a bit of adversity actually. Puts a bit more significance on each game.
It's a very good point and I think you're right. Annoying to lose any game but I've always felt this side needs some adversity to bounce back from, to find it's best.
I thought we were ok tonight in the main. Leeds love this fixture and played with an intensity I've not seen much of this season. We're unfortunate with the header and Peet needs to start having some words with the refs bosses, to find out what we're doing so differently to other teams. We lost 80% of the penalty counts last year and it's just carried on. We're the first dominant force in Superleague history to consistently be on the wrong end of penalty counts (before we even move on to 6 against).
You’ve had Alex Ferguson in to motivate the team before, why don’t you get him back to have a word with the ref’s bosses. Better still, you could buy him a shed load of chewing gum and have him stood on the touch line every week going purple in the face. My guess why you’re penalised so much would be slowing down the play the ball, offside etc. You don’t seem a particularly dirty team at the moment, just lots of regular low level infringements.
I would say you were getting a much faster play the ball then we were permitted on Saturday night, some of it was earned as you were playing on the front foot but some of it felt excessive.
By god your fans can moan too. Congrats on the win though regardless, the deserved team did win on the night even if it was by a lucky head of the ball and questionably given conversion.
I think the game could have gone either way. I wouldn’t have complained if Wigan had won, but I think ultimately we deserved it. As for our fans moaning, I think all home fans have a good moan to influence the ref, it’s just that we have more than most other clubs so it’s more noticeable when you have 15,000 having their say.