Quote Istilldontbelieveit="Istilldontbelieveit"Now first of all I want to point out that this is not an 'I told you so' thread! But having just spent an hour with a good mate of mine who is as Wigan as they come, the question of Martin Gleeson came up. Ofcourse on Saturday I was a nervous wreck and had put away a few beers but I honestly don't remember him touching the ball. Come to think of it, has he had much of an influence at all since you took him from us earlier in the season?
We all know his qualities, but his 'big-game' attitude seems to be non-existent at the moment.
In all honesty i think Gleeson will continue to prove to be a poor signing. He has lost a lot of pace in the last four years or so which was particularly evident against Bradford a few weeks back, he was easily tracked back by some of the opposition forwards let alone backs.
Good business by St.Helens and Warrington.