Quote El Diablo="El Diablo"I have to say that I do find long, that is to say convoluted and long-winded, posts, particularly on internet message boards dedicated to the discussion of Rugby League, quite annoying. I think this problem first came to my attention in the spring of 2003, when a particularly long post emerged on a thread discussing the prospects for that year's Challenge Cup competition. Now, in my opinion that was as valid a topic for discussion as any on the board, but I felt that the particular post in question was far too verbose, and included not only an unnecessarily lengthy discussion of the issue at hand, but also a very long and largely irrelevant section on the posters history with relation to the subject matter. In my opinion, posts which can be answered with a simple one-line answer, or a good old fashioned "yes" or "no" should be given precisely that treatment. I mean, really, who wants to take the time to read one of those enormous posts which just kind of rambles on and on, never really going anywhere in particular or really adding much to the point the poster is trying, in their own rather long-winded fashion to make. I think that such behaviour should be very much frowned upon, and I certainly wouldn't wish to see it encouraged in any way. Of particular concern are those posts which are, in effect, a single paragraph with no breaks in them. I think that is particularly poor form as an unbroken block of text of that kind can really make it more wearing for the reader, who may otherwise be more inclined to take the time to read the post in question, with any and all contributions that it may make to the subject at hand. Of course this is only my opinion, and there may be those who perceive a need for that variety of contribution and feel that there is value to be gained from all those words. Far be it from me to gainsay that sort of wisdom, after all, we're each of us entitled to our own opinions, but my personal thought, jhust to reiterate is that posts on message boards should indeed be kept short, punchy and above all, most importantly, to the point.'"